Debug integrated WPF WebBrowser scripts using Visual Studio

Copied and modified from another blog for future reference.

Note that in order to debug the Javascript inside a WebBrowser control, you don’t need the source code of the application (neat!).

  1. Open Internet Explorer, go to Settings, tab Advanced, and, in the “Navigation” section:
    • Uncheck “disable script debugging” (both IE and Other)
    • Uncheck “Display friendly HTTP messages”
    • Check “Display a notification about every script error”
  2. Open an instance of Visual Studio. Open the Tools menu, Attach to Process, and on the “Attach to” line, click “Select…”, and only check “Script”.
  3. Run the program including the WPF BrowserControl
  4. Attach the Visual Studio instance to its process.

Now, open the “Solution explorer” tab/toolbox. You will see every Javascript file loaded by the WPF WebBrowser control, and you can add breakpoints where you want.

Tested with IE 11 and Visual Studio 2010.